We have defined our Process with years of Implementation & Refinement that has now become our 6 Phase Method. 

Whilst Simple in its approach, the Change & Impact for Organisations is the true Benchmark

The 6 Phase Method

To implement the 6 Phase Method, we follow a defined rollout plan that can be adapted to all industries...

Phase 1 - 
Define Value

Understanding the product or service from the viewpoint of the customer is critical for any business. Understanding what is important to them and ask:

  • What and when do they need it
  • What do they do with it
  • How do we get it to them

By understanding what the customer wants and does, will help us to define what we NEED to do.

Phase 2 - 
Learn the Flow

We need to understand what is happening in the Business.

Using Value Stream Mapping enables you to understand how value flows through the organisation, and more importantly, where or what is causing it to stop.

Phase 3 - 
Create the Flow

Using the Value Stream Map and the knowledge we have gained of the process.

We now have to fix all of the issues stopping the flow, here we can call upon the vast array of tools and techniques to help eliminate the wastes:

  • Standardised Work
  • QCO & TPM
  • Visual Management
  • Last Planner
  • and many more...

Phase 4 - Customer View

Look at the operations of the business in reverse order on the value stream map.

When does the customer actually need the product?

The idea of the customer being able to “pull” the value as needed is what truly changed the manufacturing industry when Toyota brought it to market.

Phase 5 - Improve & Sustain

We continually review each process to increase the value (reduced cost, time, resources used, space, etc.).

We focus on the elements that add value and eliminate those that do not. We tighten the flow and deliver the value as the customer needs.

Phase 6 - Embedding

This phase is about the continued success of the model, through:

  • Full Leadership Training
  • Business wide Tools and techniques Training
  • Create cross functional Teams

This is about taking your business to the next level, continually improving and sustaining the gains.

What is Lean?

In its simplest form lean is the continual identification and elimination of waste. It is about informing, involving and engaging all levels of the organisation, to eliminate wastes to optimise processes, improve productivity, cut costs and reduce throughput time. 

The 7 Wastes...

Waste is the non value add in a process, by highlighting the waste, we then need to eliminate it from our process. The wastes fall into 7 defined area's...


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